DCH-1 a reclosing device (hereinafter referred to as the device) for three-phase transmission lines on a reclosing of wiring, as its main part.
2 main technical parameters
The rated current of the circuit breaker closing coil contact(A)
Device current rating(A)
DC rated voltage: 220V, 100V.
Intermediate element current winding ZJ (1) rated protective current (rated current of the device) is 0.25A, 0.5A, 1A, 2.5A.
At the rated current, the power consumption of the middle element current winding ZJ (1) is no more than 1W;
The delay adjustment range of the time element is 0.25-5s.
The time element of the coil in series with an additional resistor should be able to withstand 110% of the rated voltage for a long time.
All the circuits of the device should be tolerant to the insulation of the housing, and the 50Hz of the 2000V AC voltage lasted for the 1min test..
3 internal wiring
4 shape and opening hole size
The relay with A32K shell, dimensions, installation of open hole pattern.