1, the scope of application
For DC operation of all kinds of protection and automatic control circuit in the intermediate relay DZ-30B (DZ-30BG) series, as an auxiliary relay in order to increase the number of contacts and contact capacity.
DZ-30BG DZ-30B mod. The relay winding overcomes the original DZ-30B relay with diameter of 0.06-0.07enameled wire. In the long-term transportation, broken shortcomings, improve reliability. The rest of the internalwiring, dimensions, terminals, etc..
2, the main technical parameters
- rated voltage: DC 220V, 110V, 48V, 24V, 12V.
The action value: rated voltage of 30 ~ 70%.
The return value is not less than the rated value: 5%.
The action time: under the rated voltage, the action time is not more than 45ms.
The return time: not more than 60ms.
- power consumption: less than 7W.
] contact capacity: no more than 250V voltage, current does not exceed 5, the time constant for 5 + 0.75ms DC sense circuit load, product output contact breaking capacity is 50W. The output contacts in the above specifiedload conditions, the product can act reliably and return 5 * 104 times. The output current is 5A connected to allowlong-term contact.
3 internal wiring diagram